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Learn More about Rabbi Morris Panitz

Rabbi Morris Panitz currently serves as the Director of the Brandeis Collegiate Institute, a pluralistic, immersive summer program for emerging adults to explore Jewish values through artistic expression, text-based learning, and communal living.  Originally from Norfolk, Virginia, Morris attended the University of Maryland, where he earned a double degree in Philosophy and Jewish Studies.  He has previously served as Program Director at the Pearlstone Center, overseeing a wide array of educational programs, including conferences and retreats, immersive programs, and service learning trips.  Morris earned a certificate in Jewish experiential education from Yeshiva University and is a recipient of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship.  He is currently completing his rabbinical studies at the Ziegler School in Los Angeles.  Morris is passionate about helping people discover the questions that animate their lives and searching together through our tradition for meaningful answers.  Morris enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Elana, and daughter Ziva.    He is a pianist, gardener, and he enjoys playing basketball and chess.  


Rabbi Morris Panitz CV

Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784