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Welcome to the lay-led services of the Havurah of Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El!

TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE As an alternative service of Temple Beth Hillel- Beth El, a Conservative Synagogue, we pray using a Conservative Siddur. Our service follows traditional rituals and includes a full Torah reading.

LAY-LED We share the responsibility among our members for all aspects of the service.

EGALITARIAN Men and women participate fully and equally in all aspects of our service.

FAMILY-FRIENDLY We welcome families with children to our services and events. A play area with toys is provided, and children are encouraged to help lead parts of the service.

COMMUNITY-ORIENTEDWe build strong bonds by worshiping together, enjoying social and celebratory times, and supporting each other in hard times. Following services, we join with the full congregation for Kiddish, which allows for friendly conversation.

PARTICIPATORY We encourage participation from everyone as he or she is able. We depend on our members giving of their skills, talents, and time to make our service and all aspects of our community life happen.

CARINGG Our Hesed Committee is very involved in our community and helps care for the needs of our members, whether it be after the birth of a baby, during and recovery from illness, or at times of shiva and mourning.

WELCOMING We welcome everyone to join our community, regardless of personal religious observance.


For more information please contact David Portnoe or Daniel Parish

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785