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From Rabbi NEIL S. cooper



Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Sermon | View Text

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Sermon | View Text


Kol Nidre Sermon | View Text

Yom Kippur Sermon | View Text

Yizkor Sermon | View Text

Neilah | View Text


Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Sermon | 
View Text

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Sermon | View Text


Kol Nidre Sermon (starts about 2 minutes in) | View Text

Yom Kippur Sermon | View Text


Parashat Naso
Where Do I Stand? 

Parashat Naso
In response to the Murder of George Floyd and to racism in America

Show Up for Shabbat:  In Memory of the Victims of the Pittsburgh Massacre


Yom Kippur 5780
Holding up the World: Justice, Truth and Peace

Kol Nidre, 5780
What Should We Remember

Rosh Hashanah Day 2: 5780
The Hard Conversation: The Key to the Future of the American Jewish Community
Audio Version

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 5780
The Sermon I didn't want to give
Audio Version

Yizkor, Yom Kippur 5779
Know Next to Whom Do You Sit?

Yom Kippur 5779
The Sin of Certainty: Differences, Dialogues and Doubts

Kol Nidre 5779
Planning for Death and for Life

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 5779
The Re-Gift of Torah

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 5779
Standing Before God

Yom Kippur 5778
Lessons from the Holocaust: Resistance, Defiance and Hope from Auschwitz

Kol Nidre 5778

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 5778
The Challenge of Reconciliation: Listening and Loving in a Contentious and Divided World

Yom Kippur 5777
Looking for the Good in the Great

Kol Nidre 5777
The Kotel and the Soul of the Jewish People

Rosh Hashanah 5777
If God Does Not Want Martyrs, What, Then, Does God Want From Us?

Yom Kippur 5776
Living a Life That Matters: Belief in God, Belief in Good

Kol Nidre 5776
The Blessing of Less Time

Rosh HaShana 5776
Not Reckoned Among the Nations:
The Blessing and the Curse of Being on the Outside

Yom Kippur 5775
The Love of Life and the Love of Death:
A World of Yom Kippur or a World of Purim?

Kol Nidre 5775
It is Good to Give Thanks to God:
Why am I Here? A Meditation for the Eve of Yom Kippur

Rosh Hashanah 5775 Day 1
We’re Not in Anatevka Anymore:
A Hard Look at Where We Are and Where We May Be Going as American Jews

Rosh Hashanah 5774 Day 1
A New Paradigm of Jewish Life for the Next Generation: The Pursuit of Holiness

Kol Nidre 5774
Deep Truths: The Challenge of Religious Pluralism

Yom Kippur 5774
Midor L’Dorot: Blessings from a Grandfather to his Grandchildren


Moving On From Mourning: In Solidarity with Pittsburgh
November 3, 2018

Other Sermons 5778
Harvey Weinstein’s Hebrew School Education
October 26, 2017


Parashat Naso
Orlando and the Dangers of Arrogance
June 18, 2016

Parashat Emor
We Must Do Better: Responding to Transgender Individuals 
May 21, 2016

Parashat Tzav
Reflections Upon Returning from AIPAC’s 2016 Policy Conference
March 26, 2016/16 Adar II 5776

Parashat Yitro 
January 30, 2016 / 20 Shevat 5776

Comments at the 25th Anniversary Celebration, Lori Cooper
December 11, 2015 / 29 Kislev 5776

Comments at the 25th Anniversary Celebration Rabbi Neil and Lori Cooper
December 11, 2015 /29 Kislev 5776

Parashat VaYeshev 5776
December 5, 2015/23 Kislev 5776


Parashat ‘Ekev
August 8, 2015 /23 Av 5775

Shabbat Nachumu: Responding to a Bad Deal
August 1, 2015 /16 Av 5775

Sermon for Acharei Mot – Kedoshim
May 2, 2015 / 13 Iyyar 2015

Parashat Terumah 
The Journey of the Soul An Introduction to the Study of Death, Mourning and Comforting 
February 21, 2015 / 2 Shvat 5775


Shabbat Chazon – Parsha D’varim
August 2, 2014 / 6 Av 5774

Parashat Shlach Lecha
The Faith of Joshua and Kalev
June 14, 2014 / 16 Sivan 5774

Ruth Would Be Proud
June 4, 2014 / 6 Sivan 5774

Yom Ha’atzmaut - On Being A Friend to Israel
May 3, 2014 / 3 Iyar 5774

The Message of Zachor and the Mandate of Peace
March 15, 2014 / 13 Adar II 5774

The Caring Heart for Federation
February 1, 2014 / 1 Adar I 5774


Rabbi Cooper's Blog with Letters to the Congregation

 AIPAC Conference letter from Rabbi Cooper 03.26-28

 Anti-Antisemitism: A Small Suggestion for a Monumental Problem 02.2517

Hanukkah 5777 12.31.16

Yom HaShoah 05.02.16

Pesach Changes 04.04.16

On College Campuses 03.25

Attending APAIC, 03.18.16

New Options and Opportunities for Shabbat Morning Service 03.17.16

Silence is Acquiescence 10.15.15

Thoughts Before Tisha B’Av: Agreement and Disagreement 07.24.15

Italy: Where Beauty and Beast Reside 07.05.15

Letter to Congregation on Earthquake in Nepal 04.30.15

When Anti-Semitism Goes Unnamed and Unchallenged04.21.15

When US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers Can’t Get Along, March 24, 2015

The Great Debate, 02.26.15

Je Suis Charlie: It’s a new day … or is it? 01.14.15

Congress Passes Historic Bill Dramatically Strengthening 
US – Israel Relationship

Mikveh Safety and Security 10.27.14

Extending a Helping Hand to Israeli Soldiers 07.30.14

Leaving Israel 07.28.14

A Letter from Israel: A Moment for Solidarity – Stand Up For Israel 07.2214

A Letter from Israel: Resigned to War 07.18.14

A Letter from Israel: As Shabbat Descends on Jerusalem and Israel 07.11.14

A Letter from Israel: The Price Tag of a Murder 07.06.14

A Letter from Israel: A Strange Silence 07.01.14

A Letter about Past, Present and Future: 
Last Shabbat, This Shabbat and Pesach

A Letter about Georgia 02.25.14

A Letter from Amsterdam 02.18.14

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785